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Take Care of Your Feet! Scrubs for Feet

Summer lasts, although we have been walking around the streets and parks in open-air shoes for two months now. We are very fond of sandals and flip flops, but in order for the whole thing to look aesthetic, we must remember about regular scrubbing of our feet.

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Learn the Recipe for Younger Look of Your Hands!

Hands reveal our age and lifestyle. They can add up to ten years! But don't worry – you don't need any expensive and exclusive treatments to keep them in good condition, except systematic care. Scrubs are one of the best ways to keep your hands neat and preserve youthful-looking skin.

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The Sweet Secret of Smooth Lips? Scrub!

In the summer, lips have a hard time. The burning sun, the gusty seaside wind... Chapped and cracked lips do not look aesthetic, and lipstick additionally exposes dry skin on lips. You want to look beautiful, but the poor adhesion of lipstick cause the dazzling red color to rub off at a rapid pace? Don't worry! You don't have to give up crazy make-up this summer. Read how quickly you can get rid of this problem with just one product.


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A Kiss from Mother Nature – World Kiss Day!

Meadows, forests, streams, and herbs are miraculous gifts of Mother Nature. The Slavic tradition is firmly rooted in nature. The Kupala Night is a holiday that was celebrated long ago. During this celebration, people were dancing around a bonfire, or bathed in a river. The customs and rituals of Sobótka were taking place outdoors, in the nature. The holiday of a pagan deity named Kupała was not only connected with abundance of flora and fauna but also with love. Girls were floating their wreaths of flowers down the river, hoping to find an ideal husband. The time went on harmoniously with nature’s life cycle.

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