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Debut of the Year 2019

Debut of the Year 2019

Specialist scalp care products by Silcare have been on the market for a short time but they have already been appreciated. The editors of Strefa Gospodarki (Economy Zone) – a nationwide, independent supplement distributed together with Dziennik Gazeta Prawna (Daily Legal Newspaper) – run a nationwide promotional programme called Konsumencki Lider Jakości 2019. Its purpose is to determine the best brands and companies that operate on the Polish market basing on their cosmetic products. The TrichoPlex Set received the Debut of the Year 2019 award, which proves that it inspires confidence among consumers.

The Trichoplex Set for scalp care consists of a booster in the form of a light tonic and a deep cleansing scrub. This trichological duo contains BaicapilTM Complex, which stimulates growth of new, healthier hair as well as protects it against excessive weakening and hair loss.

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