Discover the Power of a Well-fitted Lingerie

Meet an inspiring woman, Ewa Śpiewak. She’s a marvelous businesswoman and a professional bra fitter. She’s the owner of an exclusive bra fitting atelier, Lovely You, where she shows women how to be happy with their own bodies and advises how to pick a well-fitting bra. In the newest issue of Silcare Magazine (#36), she’ll tell us about her passion and road to success. Do you need motivation to act? Do you lack self-acceptance? Then this interview is just for you!
Bra fitting is a concept that is only just beginning to function in the consciousness of Polish women. How does the job of a bra fitter look like?
Ewa Śpiewak: Indeed, the concept of bra fitting has been in use for several years now, but, unfortunately, most women still wear badly matched underwear. The are many reasons: lack of education, years of getting used to it, complexes, a belief that underwear stays hidden, and a poor size selection of bras in popular chain stores.
Bra fitting is a very fashionable and catchy slogan used by well-known brands. Unfortunately, untrained staff and lack of a full range of sizes make it easy for women to fall into a trap. The lingerie they wear is visually attractive, but does not fulfill its basic purpose which is to support the breasts. As a result, they choose a too loose circumference and a too small cup. After a few hours of wearing, the bra becomes uncomfortable, straps start to dig into the shoulders, and the breasts are getting saggy, disturbing the proportions of your silhouette.
And this is where my hands come to the rescue. (laughs) Bra fitting is not only about determining the size, but also teaching women to be aware of their breasts and their…
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… are you curious how great is the power of bra fitting? You can fulfill your curiosity by reading the 36th issue of our Silcare Magazine!