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Zasady dotyczące zwrotów

The right to withdraw from the order without stating the cause:

14-day withdrawal period
A declaration of withdrawal from the agreement may be submitted in any form or manner.

Do I need to return the product within 14 days in order to get my money back?

Not necessarily. Starting from the date of receiving the product, the buyer has 14 days to inform the seller about the withdrawal from the agreement and another 14 days for returning the product, which in total gives 28 days.

Who pays for sending the product back?

The buyer sends the product back at their expense when withdrawing from the agreement. What’s important, the seller should return the cost of first shipment to the buyer, if the buyer had chosen the cheapest method of shipping offered by the seller at the moment of purchase.

For example:
The buyer who sends back the product for which they have paid PLN 100 + PLN 8 for the cheapest shipment with pick-up at the point will get a refund of PLN 108.
The buyer who sends back the product for which he paid PLN 100 + PLN 15 for courier service (despite the possibility of choosing a cheaper option for PLN 8) will get a refund of PLN 108.

Can I return the product purchased from an online shop if it was opened?

Yes, but on certain conditions. Simplifying provisions of the Act: the consumer should check the online purchased product in the same way how they would check a product bought in the stationary shop. In this case, the customer can expect a refund of the whole value of the product. Any actions which go beyond this decrease the value of a returned product. Such product group as cosmetics should be considered in a particular manner, because after opening the package they completely lose their value (they can’t be reused/resold due to health protection and hygienic reasons).

Can I withdraw from the agreement and return the product without a receipt/invoice?

Yes, you can. The consumer law allows withdrawal from the agreement without the receipt if there is other evidence that confirms the transaction. In case of an online purchase, the evidence might be a printout of the order, e-mail correspondence, proof of payment.
In case of making a purchase for a company/on invoice, the right of withdrawal from a distance agreement within the so-called 14 days return period is not granted.

Is it sufficient to inform about the withdrawal from the order via e-mail?

Yes, it is. Our customers can make a declaration of withdrawal from the agreement in any form or manner, even via phone. Nonetheless, it is recom­mended to use the form which enables calculation of time limits and indication the fact of making order (e.g. via e-mail or letter). You will find the form on our website: in the Terms and Conditions tab.

Can I return the product bought in a stationary Brand Stores?

The right of withdrawal from the order concerns only distance agreements (an online purchase). Even though, the Act does not impose on sellers such a duty, it is possible to return intact products to Silcare Brand Stores within 7 days from the purchase date. It takes place after presenting the recipe and is then exchanged for a shopping voucher. You can find more detailed information directly in the Silcare Brand Store.

Can I make a complaint about the gels that I have purchased at your online store? Is there any warranty on your products?

Yes, every product bought online can be subjected to a complaint procedure on the grounds of the statutory warranty. We don’t impose additional regulations in the form of separate guarantee on a given product. Conditions of customer’s extensive protection under the statutory warranty are strictly described by the law and protect our customers in a transparent manner.

I would like to make a complaint about a purchased product. What possibilities do I have?

If you have received an incomplete product or bought a product that has a flaw (a defect which decreases its value or utility) or doesn’t have properties, of which we claimed it has, you have the right to make a complaint on the grounds of the statutory warranty.
As a rule, the buyer requests termination of agreement in the complaint. If the complaint is well founded, the customer can:
Demand a lower price
Demand a delivery of a new product that is free of defects
Get a compensation for damage resulting from the defect
(if the repair cost doesn’t exceed the value of the product)
Withdraw from an agreement (only if other options have been

When can I make a complaint?

If the defect is will be detected within 2 years from the date of purchase, Silcare company as the seller is responsible towards the customer for the sold product. During the first year, there is a presumption that the detected defect or its cause already existed at the time of sale. During the second year, the buyer is obliged to prove that the defect existed at the time of the sale.

I would like to send back the product to make a complaint. Who pays for the shipment?

The consumer who makes the complaint should deliver the product at their own expense. Nevertheless, if the complaint will be accepted, the customer may exercise the right to demand compensation from the seller for the damages which resulted from the purchase of a defective product (e.g. refund cost resulting from making a complaint).

Is a receipt necessary for making a complaint?

A fiscal receipt is not necessary for making a complaint, yet it facilitates the whole process. Other evidence confirming the transaction like printout of the order, e-mail correspondence, proof of the payment are entirely sufficient.

When will I receive a reply concerning the complaint?

According to the current guidelines, the response should appear within 14 days from the date of making the complaint.

How can I make a complaint? Do I need to fill a special form?

Our customers can make a complaint in any form or manner, even via phone. Nonetheless, it is recommended to fill a form which enables calculating time limits and indicates the fact of making a complaint (e.g. by e-mail or letter). You will find the form on our website at in the Terms and Conditions tab.
