Travel the world with your nail across the map and have a colorful adventure!
The last year has brought many changes and we are still trying to get use to them. Many of us particularly miss our travels – both those small and big ones. We miss breathtaking landscapes, colorful streets, new experiences and unforgettable adventures.
That is why we decided to take you on a colorful journey through 12 different countries, those well-known and lesser-known ones, both close and quite exotic. We want to show you the climate, sights and traditions of the world in the best way we can, namely... through your nails!
2021 Silcare Collections stands for 12 stops on a colorful and exciting journey, during which you will discover a lot of colors and maybe learn to combine them anew. We have already reached our first destination – a frosty town in the Austrian Alps, where the blue of ice combines with the red blush of frozen cheeks and the warm brown of hot cocoa.
Are you curious where we will be going next month? Dare to change and start a journey with us by dragging your nail on the map!